Concurrent Multiscale Simulations of Metal Fracture
Dr. Steffen Brinckmann
ICAMS, Ruhr Universität Bochum
05. December 2012, 17.00
WW8, Room 2.018-2, Dr.-Mack-Str. 77, Fürth
Fracture and fatigue are natural multiscale problems: while the engineering structure has dimensions on the order of meter, the atomic cleavage at nano-meter scale causes the loss of structural integrity. In the past, macroscopic design laws were guided by standardized experiments. However, these macroscopic experiments do not yield the mechanistic understanding required to guide future materials design. Only computational multiscale simulations that incorporate all relevant time and length scale allow for the understanding of deformation mechanisms and fracture processes that can guide material optimization in the future.
This contribution will start with a thorough introduction into multiscale simulations of plasticity and failure at room temperature, and will initiate some thought-provoking new views on the matter. The second part will introduce a concurrent multiscale model that couples dislocation and molecular dynamics into a domain-separating approach. The talk will highlight possibilities for model verification. The model is applied for two dimensional problems and the interaction of cracks with dislocations is investigated
Depending on the choice of the audience, the talk will be given either in English or German. Interaction between audience and speaker during the talk is highly encouraged.